Monday, December 30, 2019

The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe - 1778 Words

â€Å"Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb† (Poe 32). This is the ending of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat.† This story is one of the many famous short stories Poe has written in his life time. However, this story, in particular, captivities the horror and frightening works of his display. Having his personal history and short story at hand, will help his audience to understand some of his guilty pleasures. In this Critical Analysis Essay, the composition of â€Å"The Black Cat† will be revealed by connecting the pieces of Edgar Allan Poe’s life together, exposing his point of view. In order to analysis â€Å"The Black Cat,† one has to know the history of the author to truly understand his interpretations. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 (Loveday 5). Growing up, Poe never knew his father, David Poe, Jr., since he walked out on him and his mother when he was around the age of one (5). As for his mother, Eliza Poe, died of pneumonia on December 8, 1811, leaving Edgar abandon and helplessly alone (5). Edgar Allan Poe, on no occasion, grow up with a normal life, and under no circumstances had the opportunity to communicate physically or verbally with his birth parents. In result of losing his parents, he and his two siblings, William Henry Leonard PoeShow MoreRelatedThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1117 Words   |  5 Pages Edgar Allan Poe’s narrator in â€Å"The Black Cat† describes himself as a lover of animals and a man with a kind heart. But he uses his animals and alcoholism as an excuse for his perver se behavior. However, Poe drops hints though out the narrative to tell a different story. His violence towards animals tells the story of an irrational man who weeps while hanging his cat. Therefore, Poe employs the narrator to show the human tendency to use scapegoats to shift blame for the wrong thing we do. The narratorRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe885 Words   |  4 Pagesobserve. An example of these observation and hands on applications would be Edgar Allan Poe, a writer and a poet, whom would be absolutely intrigued in these behaviors. His unique interpretation of the human mind could be seen in â€Å"The Black Cat.† In this short story Edgar Allan Poe embeds himself as the protagonist who are mere victims of the complexities of the mind known as revenge, anger, and perversity. â€Å"The Black Cat† shows the vital side effects of the mind recognized as revenge, anger, andRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1240 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature, D.H. Lawrence condemns Americans for dodging their true selves by means of intellectualization and idealization. Both Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† feature allegorical representations of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions with spectral evidence in order to externalizeRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay917 Words   |  4 Pagesreality.† - Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is known for his dark and thought-provoking horror stories. In particular, The Black Cat does just that. The story focuses on the rationalizations of the horrific actions of the narrator. A black cat is introduced to pounce down on the rationalization of the narrator’s actions. Edgar Allan Poe also constructs a story where the main basis of the narrator’s decisions are ethical egoism and the principles of conscience. Poe constructs the black cat as the conscienceRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1900 Words   |  8 Pagesportion of his life writing these kind of stories. Edgar Allan Poe was influenced by his own life experiences, social normalities of the early 19th century, and used literary devices to write horrific works such as The Black Cat, The Raven, and Berenice. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the short story The Black Cat in 1843. The story starts out fairly normal, but very quickly spirals into a horrendous chain of events. The narrator of the story has a cat that he adaores at first, but then he grows irritatedRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Cat Gothic Analysis In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† (1843), Poe creates a gothic narrative that exceeds the suspicions of the audiences predeterminations. Throughout the entirety of his piece Poe creates a scene that continuously leaves his readers wondering what was happening next. Suspicion being a key factor in gothic tales is only one strategy Poe used to illuminate the story of an unnamed psychopath and his attempts to either clear his conscious or set the recordRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe871 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is a world famous author who writes suspenseful/thriller story that keeps everyone interested. Three of his stories that we have read is â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†. The five questions that will be discussed is how/why does Poe have his narrator plan the murder of his victim, what is the narrators reason for killing his victim, how does the narrator dispose of the body, does the narrator know the difference between right and wrong, and finallyRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1202 Words   |  5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is prominent for his literacy style of horror and mystery, in which he had written an innumerable number of short stories and poems in his lifetime. Evidently, many of his writings like, â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"William Wilson,† and â€Å"The Raven,† share the same style, as their protagonists’ demonstrated a paucity of reliability. Readers often become engaged with how the main character of each text showed their rivulet of tales that seem to be quite fictitious. Available evidence suggestsRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1142 Words   |  5 Pagescharacter survives eight shots to the torso, all happy endings. Edgar Allan Poe isn’t like that. Most of his characters are dark and insane. They have one last shred of sanity then they refuse to keep it and then they end up going insane, much like the characters in The Black Cat, The Raven, and A Tell-Tale Heart. All three the men reach insanity. In The Black Cat a man expresses his passion over all animals. He has a gorgeous black cat named Pluto,his prized possession. Years later this man has aRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1243 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Black Cat,† Edgar Allan Poe states the nameless narrator is in a prison cell, retelling his story of his struggles from the abuse of alcoholism, perverseness, and animal cruelty. He was married to his beautiful wife and had a variety of pet animals. The narrator starts to talk about his beloved black cat, Pluto, and how he believes it’s evil and the reason for his crazy actions. He came home drunk one day assuming his cat was avoiding him. He tried to grab his cat, but with fear, the cat nipped

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Essay - 771 Words

There are four major types of legislation that affect recruitment and selection in a non-unionized workplace within Alberta. Those types of legislation being: †¢ Constitutional law †¢ Human Rights law †¢ Employment Equity legislation and †¢ Labour law/employment standards and related legislation Constitutional law as a whole is the supreme law of Canada and has precedence over all other legal means; it consists of a series of Acts and orders passed since 1867 by the British and Canadian Parliaments. Constitutional law does not directly affect recruitment and selection activities unless the recruitment and selection practices are challenged in a Human Rights Tribunal or court. Constitutional law sets limits and†¦show more content†¦The legislations is to eliminate barriers and give equal opportunities to individuals in the workplace. Through provision of consulting and education services, the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission support the development and creation of employment equity policies and programs. Employment equity is not only about fairness and leveling the playing field. It also helps attract and keep excellent employees who may otherwise be overlooked or avoided. Employment equity encourages employers to take advantage of the talents, skills and innovation that a more diverse workforce can offer. Finally, labour laws, employment standards and related legislation sets the stage for minimum age of employment, hours of work, minimum wages, statutory holidays, vacations, work leaves and termination of employment. These laws have little impact on the recruitment practice but take part in the selection practice by affecting what the employer is looking for and what a potential employee is looking for. Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure no unlawful discrimination occurs in the recruitment and selection process. The legislation above assists on guiding this. Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favorably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have or because they associate with someone who has a protected characteristic. IndirectShow MoreRelatedRecruitment, Selection, And Selection Essay1685 Words   |  7 PagesThe topics I am going to discuss in this assignment are Recruitment and Selection. According to Foot and Hook (2011:161), ‘’Recruitment is commonly referred to as the attraction phase (e.g. Murphy, 2008b) and can be further defined as all activities directed towards locating potential employees, stimulating the interests of potential applicants and attracting applications from suitable candidates’’. Torrington et al (2014) propose selection as referring ‘to t he methods used to decide which applicantRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2206 Words   |  9 PagesRecruitment and Selection In the competitive business environment nowadays, companies need to present themselves as serious players with edges in various aspects, one most important of which is quality of their workforce. The quality of an organization’s workforce ,to some degree, determines how far it can go and this kind of quality depends mostly on an essential element in an organization’s operation, which is human resource management (Martin, J. 2008). Human resource management refers to theRead MoreSelection and Recruitment5933 Words   |  24 PagesEMPLOYMENT RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIEW CRITICALLY EVALUATE VARIOUS SCREENING AND SELECTION METHODS AND RECOMMEND A SCREENING AND SELECTION PROGRAMME FOR YOUR DEPARTMENT This paper will critically evaluate and explore the key tools and techniques that are used in selection and recruitment process by the organizations. Organizations have infact, a vast range of tools to consider in screening and selecting a workforce. This paper will analyze the theoretical principlesRead MoreRecruitment and Selection1797 Words   |  8 PagesIn recruitment advertising is the means by which job opportunities are made known to the public through the use of media, local and national newspapers, notice boards and recruitment fairs. Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and is used to encourage, persuade or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Recruitment involves actively soliciting applications from potential employees (Taylor 2005). Advertising has proven to be relevant as a recruitment strategy andRead MoreRecruitment And Selection Process For Recruitment1847 Words   |  8 PagesRecruitment is the process which aims to choose suitable candidates for a particular position at the right time. Selection is a process which aims to assess and appoint individuals (Bratton and Gold, 2012). Recruitment and selection processes are integrated activities (Newell, 2014).In the pursuit of developing the business and greatly surpassing other companies in the human resource management sector, it is necessary for the company to enhance recruitment and selection ability through differentRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2534 Words   |  11 PagesRecruitment Strategies Introduction Recruitment strategies in an organisation are intended to identify suitable employees who fit well for the business (Ahmad Schroeder, 2002). It is a very complex process that needs to be carried out correctly and if not; can incur substantial costs for the business. (Pets, 1997) acknowledges this and highlights that due to the upsurge in competitive pressure, HR managers are constantly looking for ways to develop and sustain performance within theRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2557 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction 2 Literature review 3 Company Profile 4 Objectives 5 Recruitment and Selection 6 Conclusions 7 Bibliographies INTRODUCTION The study is on recruitment and selection of human resource which is the movable asset of the company. In today s rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to requirements for people. Hence, it is important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fitsRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2281 Words   |  10 Pagesappropriate recruitment and selection methods? Discuss how process of interviewing can be improved in organisation to strengthen the validity and reliability of the method. In the era of globalisation and fast changing business conditions, organisations are looking for effective management and employee recruitment and selection. The current situation demands a complete strategic approach to HRM. Therefore it is important to look at the traditional methods and modern approach in the recruitment and selectionRead Morerecruitment and selection process1124 Words   |  5 Pagesproposal on RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF MOE (Ministry of Education) By Benafsha Musafirzada Supervised By Nisar Khan Sir موØ ³Ã˜ ³Ã›â‚¬ Ø ªÃ˜ ­Ã˜ µÃ›Å'Ù„Ø §Ã˜ ª Ø ¹Ã˜ §Ã™â€žÃ›Å' Ø ±Ãš ¼Ã˜ § RANA Institute of Higher Studies 2014 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF MOE (Ministry of Education) INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study This project is titled as study of Recruitment and Selection Process of MOE. In this project the readers will come to know about the process of Recruitment and SelectionRead MoreThe Recruitment And Selection Process Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesOne reason why the recruitment and selection process is important is because the future success of the salesforce, as well as the firm, all depends on the recruitment of staff that is highly and rightly qualified for certain positions within the firm. The stage of recruitment and selection is very necessary because for example, it would be very costly and effect the firm negatively if someone is recruited and they don’t possess the necessary skills and qualifications for the jobs. The competence

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper Free Essays

Devon Whitaker Research paper Mrs. Smith December 4, 2013 The theatre of Ancient Greece, or ancient Greek drama, is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between 550 BC and 220 BC. The city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period, was its center, where it was institutionalized as part of a festival called the Dionysia, which honored the god Dionysus. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tragedy, comedy, and the satire play were the three dramatic genres to emerge there. Athens exported the festival to its numerous colonies and allies in rder to promote a common cultural identity. Clothing in ancient Greece primarily consisted of the chiton, peplos, himation, and chlamys. While no clothes have survived from this period, descriptions exist in contemporary accounts and artistic depictions. Clothes were mainly homemade, and often served many purposes. Despite popular imagination and media depictions of all-white clothing, elaborate design and bright colors were favored. Ancient Greek clothing consisted of lengths of linen or wool fabric, which generally was rectangular. Clothes were secured with ornamental lasps or pins, and a belt, sash, or girdle might secure the waist. Men’s robes went down to their knees, whereas women’s went down to their ankles. The choruses were only men, as were the actors and the audience. The plays originally had a chorus of up to 50 people who performed the plays accompanied by music, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening. They had to be citizens of Athens, which only applied to free-born men, with few special cases. The actors wore masks, so that the people would know which persona the actor played. The theatres were built on a very large scale to accommodate the large number of eople on stage, as well as the large number of people in the audience. Actors’ voices needed to be heard throughout the theatre, including the very top row of seats. In 465 BC, the Theaters began using a backdrop, which hung behind the orchestra, which also served as an area where actors could change their costumes. It was known as the scene. In 425 BC a stone scene wall, called a paraskenia, became a common replacement to scene in the theatres Work Cited: â€Å"Theatre of Ancient Greece. † n. d. web. 04 Dec. 2013. – Simple English Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N. p. , How to cite Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Main Characters and Description of Each Essay Example For Students

Main Characters and Description of Each Essay Lieutenant Fredric Henry (Tenente)-The story is told from his point of view. He is a young American in the Italianarmy during WWII. Rinaldi -One of Tenentes best friends, he is also a Lieutenant. Catherine Barkley-A nurse who works with a group of British nurses. She and Tenente fall in lovelater in the story. Setting:The story takes place in the 1940s, during WWII. The place changes along with wherever Tenente goes, because the book is told in first person. The story moves from Italy to Milan, to Udine, to Caporetto, to Montreaux, and many other places and war fronts. What is the major conflict?The story is something like an Ernest Hemmingways Romeo and Juliet. It is a story about love and war. In the beginning of the story, Tenente and Catherine Barkley fall in love. The conflict is that while Tenente is in war and Catherine is with her group of nurses, they are separated for some lengths of time. Tenente is always trying to get to her during the war. Main Events:The story starts with Tenente being attached to an Italian ambulance unit on the Italian front. His friend, Lieutenant Rinaldi, told him that a group of British nurses had arrived to set up a British hospital unit. Tenente started to call on Catherine Barkley, but not yet had he fallen in love with her. At the front, he was injured badly in the leg and was transferred to a hospital in Milan. He had his leg operated on and his wounded knee fixed. Catherine Barkley worked in this hospital, and she came to his room often to see him. After the operation, Tenente and Catherine spent much time together in Milan. Before he returned to the front, Catherine told him that she was pregnant. Tenente, at the front, drove an ambulance loaded with hospital supplies. The ambulance was often held up by stalled lines of traffic for miles. Later the Italian army was losing morale, and soldiers tried to escape the war. There was a type of war police which would capture these renegade soldiers, give them a short questioning, and then execute them. Tenente was among these renegade soldiers, but he managed to escape, plunge into a river, and escape on a log. He crossed the Venetian plain on foot, then jumped aboard a freight train and rode to Milan, and then went to the hospital in which he had been a patient. There he found that the British nurses had left to Stresa.Tenente borrowed civilian clothes from a friend in Milan and then took a train to Stresa, there he met Catherine, who was on leave. He learned from a bartender that he was to be arrested the following morning, so he bought a small boat from the bartender and he and Catherine rowed to Switzerland that night. During the rest of the fall and winter the couple stayed at an inn ouside Montreux. They thought of marriage, but Catherine didnt want to get married while she was with child. When Catherine was close to birth, they went to Lausanne to be enar a hospital. When she was in labor, she had horrible pains and delivered a dead baby. Tenente left to eat and upon returning he found that Catherine had multiple hemorrhages. There he stayed with her until she died. Most important event in the story:There are many important events in the story, but I would have to say that the uncovering of the fact that Catherine was pregnant was very important, because at that point Tenente knew that he and Catherine were very close and would have to be, because now they had a major responsability together. .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .postImageUrl , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:visited , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:active { border:0!important; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:active , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Broken Wing EssayHow does the book end?Catherine ends up dying of multiple hemorrhages, and after her death Tenente describes saying goodbye as, like saying goodbye to a statue. He has nothing to do, no one to talk to, and nowhere to go. Finally Tenente walks, in the dark, back to his hotel in the rain.