Monday, December 30, 2019

The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe - 1778 Words

â€Å"Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb† (Poe 32). This is the ending of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat.† This story is one of the many famous short stories Poe has written in his life time. However, this story, in particular, captivities the horror and frightening works of his display. Having his personal history and short story at hand, will help his audience to understand some of his guilty pleasures. In this Critical Analysis Essay, the composition of â€Å"The Black Cat† will be revealed by connecting the pieces of Edgar Allan Poe’s life together, exposing his point of view. In order to analysis â€Å"The Black Cat,† one has to know the history of the author to truly understand his interpretations. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 (Loveday 5). Growing up, Poe never knew his father, David Poe, Jr., since he walked out on him and his mother when he was around the age of one (5). As for his mother, Eliza Poe, died of pneumonia on December 8, 1811, leaving Edgar abandon and helplessly alone (5). Edgar Allan Poe, on no occasion, grow up with a normal life, and under no circumstances had the opportunity to communicate physically or verbally with his birth parents. In result of losing his parents, he and his two siblings, William Henry Leonard PoeShow MoreRelatedThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1117 Words   |  5 Pages Edgar Allan Poe’s narrator in â€Å"The Black Cat† describes himself as a lover of animals and a man with a kind heart. But he uses his animals and alcoholism as an excuse for his perver se behavior. However, Poe drops hints though out the narrative to tell a different story. His violence towards animals tells the story of an irrational man who weeps while hanging his cat. Therefore, Poe employs the narrator to show the human tendency to use scapegoats to shift blame for the wrong thing we do. The narratorRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe885 Words   |  4 Pagesobserve. An example of these observation and hands on applications would be Edgar Allan Poe, a writer and a poet, whom would be absolutely intrigued in these behaviors. His unique interpretation of the human mind could be seen in â€Å"The Black Cat.† In this short story Edgar Allan Poe embeds himself as the protagonist who are mere victims of the complexities of the mind known as revenge, anger, and perversity. â€Å"The Black Cat† shows the vital side effects of the mind recognized as revenge, anger, andRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1240 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature, D.H. Lawrence condemns Americans for dodging their true selves by means of intellectualization and idealization. Both Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† feature allegorical representations of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions with spectral evidence in order to externalizeRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay917 Words   |  4 Pagesreality.† - Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is known for his dark and thought-provoking horror stories. In particular, The Black Cat does just that. The story focuses on the rationalizations of the horrific actions of the narrator. A black cat is introduced to pounce down on the rationalization of the narrator’s actions. Edgar Allan Poe also constructs a story where the main basis of the narrator’s decisions are ethical egoism and the principles of conscience. Poe constructs the black cat as the conscienceRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1900 Words   |  8 Pagesportion of his life writing these kind of stories. Edgar Allan Poe was influenced by his own life experiences, social normalities of the early 19th century, and used literary devices to write horrific works such as The Black Cat, The Raven, and Berenice. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the short story The Black Cat in 1843. The story starts out fairly normal, but very quickly spirals into a horrendous chain of events. The narrator of the story has a cat that he adaores at first, but then he grows irritatedRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Cat Gothic Analysis In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† (1843), Poe creates a gothic narrative that exceeds the suspicions of the audiences predeterminations. Throughout the entirety of his piece Poe creates a scene that continuously leaves his readers wondering what was happening next. Suspicion being a key factor in gothic tales is only one strategy Poe used to illuminate the story of an unnamed psychopath and his attempts to either clear his conscious or set the recordRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe871 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is a world famous author who writes suspenseful/thriller story that keeps everyone interested. Three of his stories that we have read is â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†. The five questions that will be discussed is how/why does Poe have his narrator plan the murder of his victim, what is the narrators reason for killing his victim, how does the narrator dispose of the body, does the narrator know the difference between right and wrong, and finallyRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1202 Words   |  5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is prominent for his literacy style of horror and mystery, in which he had written an innumerable number of short stories and poems in his lifetime. Evidently, many of his writings like, â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"William Wilson,† and â€Å"The Raven,† share the same style, as their protagonists’ demonstrated a paucity of reliability. Readers often become engaged with how the main character of each text showed their rivulet of tales that seem to be quite fictitious. Available evidence suggestsRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1142 Words   |  5 Pagescharacter survives eight shots to the torso, all happy endings. Edgar Allan Poe isn’t like that. Most of his characters are dark and insane. They have one last shred of sanity then they refuse to keep it and then they end up going insane, much like the characters in The Black Cat, The Raven, and A Tell-Tale Heart. All three the men reach insanity. In The Black Cat a man expresses his passion over all animals. He has a gorgeous black cat named Pluto,his prized possession. Years later this man has aRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1243 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Black Cat,† Edgar Allan Poe states the nameless narrator is in a prison cell, retelling his story of his struggles from the abuse of alcoholism, perverseness, and animal cruelty. He was married to his beautiful wife and had a variety of pet animals. The narrator starts to talk about his beloved black cat, Pluto, and how he believes it’s evil and the reason for his crazy actions. He came home drunk one day assuming his cat was avoiding him. He tried to grab his cat, but with fear, the cat nipped

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Essay - 771 Words

There are four major types of legislation that affect recruitment and selection in a non-unionized workplace within Alberta. Those types of legislation being: †¢ Constitutional law †¢ Human Rights law †¢ Employment Equity legislation and †¢ Labour law/employment standards and related legislation Constitutional law as a whole is the supreme law of Canada and has precedence over all other legal means; it consists of a series of Acts and orders passed since 1867 by the British and Canadian Parliaments. Constitutional law does not directly affect recruitment and selection activities unless the recruitment and selection practices are challenged in a Human Rights Tribunal or court. Constitutional law sets limits and†¦show more content†¦The legislations is to eliminate barriers and give equal opportunities to individuals in the workplace. Through provision of consulting and education services, the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission support the development and creation of employment equity policies and programs. Employment equity is not only about fairness and leveling the playing field. It also helps attract and keep excellent employees who may otherwise be overlooked or avoided. Employment equity encourages employers to take advantage of the talents, skills and innovation that a more diverse workforce can offer. Finally, labour laws, employment standards and related legislation sets the stage for minimum age of employment, hours of work, minimum wages, statutory holidays, vacations, work leaves and termination of employment. These laws have little impact on the recruitment practice but take part in the selection practice by affecting what the employer is looking for and what a potential employee is looking for. Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure no unlawful discrimination occurs in the recruitment and selection process. The legislation above assists on guiding this. Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favorably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have or because they associate with someone who has a protected characteristic. IndirectShow MoreRelatedRecruitment, Selection, And Selection Essay1685 Words   |  7 PagesThe topics I am going to discuss in this assignment are Recruitment and Selection. According to Foot and Hook (2011:161), ‘’Recruitment is commonly referred to as the attraction phase (e.g. Murphy, 2008b) and can be further defined as all activities directed towards locating potential employees, stimulating the interests of potential applicants and attracting applications from suitable candidates’’. Torrington et al (2014) propose selection as referring ‘to t he methods used to decide which applicantRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2206 Words   |  9 PagesRecruitment and Selection In the competitive business environment nowadays, companies need to present themselves as serious players with edges in various aspects, one most important of which is quality of their workforce. The quality of an organization’s workforce ,to some degree, determines how far it can go and this kind of quality depends mostly on an essential element in an organization’s operation, which is human resource management (Martin, J. 2008). Human resource management refers to theRead MoreSelection and Recruitment5933 Words   |  24 PagesEMPLOYMENT RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIEW CRITICALLY EVALUATE VARIOUS SCREENING AND SELECTION METHODS AND RECOMMEND A SCREENING AND SELECTION PROGRAMME FOR YOUR DEPARTMENT This paper will critically evaluate and explore the key tools and techniques that are used in selection and recruitment process by the organizations. Organizations have infact, a vast range of tools to consider in screening and selecting a workforce. This paper will analyze the theoretical principlesRead MoreRecruitment and Selection1797 Words   |  8 PagesIn recruitment advertising is the means by which job opportunities are made known to the public through the use of media, local and national newspapers, notice boards and recruitment fairs. Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and is used to encourage, persuade or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Recruitment involves actively soliciting applications from potential employees (Taylor 2005). Advertising has proven to be relevant as a recruitment strategy andRead MoreRecruitment And Selection Process For Recruitment1847 Words   |  8 PagesRecruitment is the process which aims to choose suitable candidates for a particular position at the right time. Selection is a process which aims to assess and appoint individuals (Bratton and Gold, 2012). Recruitment and selection processes are integrated activities (Newell, 2014).In the pursuit of developing the business and greatly surpassing other companies in the human resource management sector, it is necessary for the company to enhance recruitment and selection ability through differentRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2534 Words   |  11 PagesRecruitment Strategies Introduction Recruitment strategies in an organisation are intended to identify suitable employees who fit well for the business (Ahmad Schroeder, 2002). It is a very complex process that needs to be carried out correctly and if not; can incur substantial costs for the business. (Pets, 1997) acknowledges this and highlights that due to the upsurge in competitive pressure, HR managers are constantly looking for ways to develop and sustain performance within theRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2557 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction 2 Literature review 3 Company Profile 4 Objectives 5 Recruitment and Selection 6 Conclusions 7 Bibliographies INTRODUCTION The study is on recruitment and selection of human resource which is the movable asset of the company. In today s rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to requirements for people. Hence, it is important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fitsRead MoreRecruitment and Selection2281 Words   |  10 Pagesappropriate recruitment and selection methods? Discuss how process of interviewing can be improved in organisation to strengthen the validity and reliability of the method. In the era of globalisation and fast changing business conditions, organisations are looking for effective management and employee recruitment and selection. The current situation demands a complete strategic approach to HRM. Therefore it is important to look at the traditional methods and modern approach in the recruitment and selectionRead Morerecruitment and selection process1124 Words   |  5 Pagesproposal on RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF MOE (Ministry of Education) By Benafsha Musafirzada Supervised By Nisar Khan Sir موØ ³Ã˜ ³Ã›â‚¬ Ø ªÃ˜ ­Ã˜ µÃ›Å'Ù„Ø §Ã˜ ª Ø ¹Ã˜ §Ã™â€žÃ›Å' Ø ±Ãš ¼Ã˜ § RANA Institute of Higher Studies 2014 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF MOE (Ministry of Education) INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study This project is titled as study of Recruitment and Selection Process of MOE. In this project the readers will come to know about the process of Recruitment and SelectionRead MoreThe Recruitment And Selection Process Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesOne reason why the recruitment and selection process is important is because the future success of the salesforce, as well as the firm, all depends on the recruitment of staff that is highly and rightly qualified for certain positions within the firm. The stage of recruitment and selection is very necessary because for example, it would be very costly and effect the firm negatively if someone is recruited and they don’t possess the necessary skills and qualifications for the jobs. The competence

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper Free Essays

Devon Whitaker Research paper Mrs. Smith December 4, 2013 The theatre of Ancient Greece, or ancient Greek drama, is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between 550 BC and 220 BC. The city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period, was its center, where it was institutionalized as part of a festival called the Dionysia, which honored the god Dionysus. We will write a custom essay sample on Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tragedy, comedy, and the satire play were the three dramatic genres to emerge there. Athens exported the festival to its numerous colonies and allies in rder to promote a common cultural identity. Clothing in ancient Greece primarily consisted of the chiton, peplos, himation, and chlamys. While no clothes have survived from this period, descriptions exist in contemporary accounts and artistic depictions. Clothes were mainly homemade, and often served many purposes. Despite popular imagination and media depictions of all-white clothing, elaborate design and bright colors were favored. Ancient Greek clothing consisted of lengths of linen or wool fabric, which generally was rectangular. Clothes were secured with ornamental lasps or pins, and a belt, sash, or girdle might secure the waist. Men’s robes went down to their knees, whereas women’s went down to their ankles. The choruses were only men, as were the actors and the audience. The plays originally had a chorus of up to 50 people who performed the plays accompanied by music, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening. They had to be citizens of Athens, which only applied to free-born men, with few special cases. The actors wore masks, so that the people would know which persona the actor played. The theatres were built on a very large scale to accommodate the large number of eople on stage, as well as the large number of people in the audience. Actors’ voices needed to be heard throughout the theatre, including the very top row of seats. In 465 BC, the Theaters began using a backdrop, which hung behind the orchestra, which also served as an area where actors could change their costumes. It was known as the scene. In 425 BC a stone scene wall, called a paraskenia, became a common replacement to scene in the theatres Work Cited: â€Å"Theatre of Ancient Greece. † n. d. web. 04 Dec. 2013. – Simple English Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N. p. , How to cite Ancient Greek Theater Research Paper, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Main Characters and Description of Each Essay Example For Students

Main Characters and Description of Each Essay Lieutenant Fredric Henry (Tenente)-The story is told from his point of view. He is a young American in the Italianarmy during WWII. Rinaldi -One of Tenentes best friends, he is also a Lieutenant. Catherine Barkley-A nurse who works with a group of British nurses. She and Tenente fall in lovelater in the story. Setting:The story takes place in the 1940s, during WWII. The place changes along with wherever Tenente goes, because the book is told in first person. The story moves from Italy to Milan, to Udine, to Caporetto, to Montreaux, and many other places and war fronts. What is the major conflict?The story is something like an Ernest Hemmingways Romeo and Juliet. It is a story about love and war. In the beginning of the story, Tenente and Catherine Barkley fall in love. The conflict is that while Tenente is in war and Catherine is with her group of nurses, they are separated for some lengths of time. Tenente is always trying to get to her during the war. Main Events:The story starts with Tenente being attached to an Italian ambulance unit on the Italian front. His friend, Lieutenant Rinaldi, told him that a group of British nurses had arrived to set up a British hospital unit. Tenente started to call on Catherine Barkley, but not yet had he fallen in love with her. At the front, he was injured badly in the leg and was transferred to a hospital in Milan. He had his leg operated on and his wounded knee fixed. Catherine Barkley worked in this hospital, and she came to his room often to see him. After the operation, Tenente and Catherine spent much time together in Milan. Before he returned to the front, Catherine told him that she was pregnant. Tenente, at the front, drove an ambulance loaded with hospital supplies. The ambulance was often held up by stalled lines of traffic for miles. Later the Italian army was losing morale, and soldiers tried to escape the war. There was a type of war police which would capture these renegade soldiers, give them a short questioning, and then execute them. Tenente was among these renegade soldiers, but he managed to escape, plunge into a river, and escape on a log. He crossed the Venetian plain on foot, then jumped aboard a freight train and rode to Milan, and then went to the hospital in which he had been a patient. There he found that the British nurses had left to Stresa.Tenente borrowed civilian clothes from a friend in Milan and then took a train to Stresa, there he met Catherine, who was on leave. He learned from a bartender that he was to be arrested the following morning, so he bought a small boat from the bartender and he and Catherine rowed to Switzerland that night. During the rest of the fall and winter the couple stayed at an inn ouside Montreux. They thought of marriage, but Catherine didnt want to get married while she was with child. When Catherine was close to birth, they went to Lausanne to be enar a hospital. When she was in labor, she had horrible pains and delivered a dead baby. Tenente left to eat and upon returning he found that Catherine had multiple hemorrhages. There he stayed with her until she died. Most important event in the story:There are many important events in the story, but I would have to say that the uncovering of the fact that Catherine was pregnant was very important, because at that point Tenente knew that he and Catherine were very close and would have to be, because now they had a major responsability together. .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .postImageUrl , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:visited , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:active { border:0!important; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:active , .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u814f292cc11b5b009c433b735c4577aa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Broken Wing EssayHow does the book end?Catherine ends up dying of multiple hemorrhages, and after her death Tenente describes saying goodbye as, like saying goodbye to a statue. He has nothing to do, no one to talk to, and nowhere to go. Finally Tenente walks, in the dark, back to his hotel in the rain.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Farewell To Arms Essays (757 words) - Literature,

A Farewell To Arms Love is impossible to explain or fully understand; it is enfable and war is merely an outcome of disputes between ignorant aristocrats. A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, is a novel about love and war. The narrator, Fredrick Henry is a war-time ambulance driver, and Catherine Barkley is an English nurse, who find themselves in a love affair which must maneuver itself around the restrictions of World War I. The novel begins in Gorizia, Italy the center of operations for Fredrick's troop, World War I. Fredrick is an American volunteer and in the Ambulance Corps for the Italian Army. He meets a English nurse Catherine named Barkley and does not truly fall in love with her until he gets badly wounded and is put in a hospital. They begin to have alove affair and Catherine becomes impregnated. With a baby on the way Fredrick feels a real sense of responsibility towards Catherine. When he finaly recovers from from his lengthy stay in the hospital he returns to front. When the two part it is very rainy, cloudy, and gloomy. Hemingway makes good use of weather in pursuit of verisimilitude. There is so much violence and death in the war Fredrick no longer wants to be a apart of it and deserts the army to return to Catherine. When they reunite the rain stops and there is light. They then escape to Switzerland by boat and begin to live happily. When Catherine goes into labor there is complications. The baby dies and later Catherine dies from hemorrhaging. What is love? Love is difficult to explain but, it involves a deep affection for a person or thing. At the beginning of the novel, lieutenant Frederick Henry lacks a sense of value and order in his life. He chooses to intoxicate himself and make visits to prostitutes frequently. During this time of intense stress and pressure this lifestyle is common amongst his fellow comrades. It provides them with an escape from a hostile and undesirable reality of war. Lieutenant Rinaldi , Fredricks enthusiastic surgeon friend soon introduces him to an English nurse, Catherine Barkley. Their relationship brings some order and value into his life. This new form of order which Fredrick discovers is love. He can no longer remain apart of something that is so disorderly and consequently deserts the Italian army out of love: ?When you love you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve.? This explains Fredrick's love and devotion towards Catherine. Catherine is the order and value in his life and when Fredrick puts aside his involvement in the war he realizes that love is what gives his life meaning. Later in the novel Fredrick loses what he truly charishes and all his hopes for the future are lost. Love is a powerful emotion that can provide a sense of meaning in ones life but, one must not put too much trust into something because it can easily be taken away. Another critical aspect of novel is war. World War I, ?the great war? was fought primarily in Europe. It was prompted when Austria-Hungary laid blame on the Serbs for the assasination Frans Ferdinand which in turn gave them an excuse to invade Serbia. From that invasion it sparked a chain reaction of numerous countries to become involved. In the novel the countries that are fighting are Italy and Austria-Hungary. During a period of war opposing tension between enemy countries is high. A one point in the novel Fredrick goes in to the barbershop to get his haircut. The barber does not know Fredrick is on the Italians side and he will not accept a tip from him he said. ?I will not. I am not at the front. But I am an Italian.? This displays the extreme nationalism and uncertainty people carry during war. Towards the end of the novel Italian forces have lost several key battles. The morale of the troops is sinking day by day and everyone is exhausted from the war. Surgeons, including Rinaldi is working around the clock. ?This war is killing me,? Rinaldi tells Fre*censored*. ?All summer and fall I've operated. I do everybody's work.? Not only is Rinaldi overworking, he admits to having contracted syphilis. This once enthusiastic, young man is completely spent from the war proving that one way or another the war makes everyone ill. World War I claimed many lives was decided by ignorant aristocrats looking only for prestige amongst themselves.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay Sample on Self-Assessment What Is My Learning Style

Essay Sample on Self-Assessment What Is My Learning Style Regardless of the situation, learning is ultimately the individual’s responsibility. Learning will not succeed unless the individual feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the process itself. In all honesty, I have never put much thought into my particular learning style. However, since I decided to embark on a new challenge and opportunity by enrolling in graduate school, I have had to refocus my priorities amidst the everyday stresses of life and my hectic schedule. Before I began graduate school, I reassessed my particular abilities and really began to focus on what I do well and do not do well. Because of this assessment, I am now able to draw more intelligent conclusions about my particular learning style, strengths, opportunities for growth, and ways to improve upon my weaknesses. During my undergraduate studies at Auburn University, I always studied in the morning. It was at that time of day I felt motivated, sharp, and mentally alert. When I woke up from a good night’s rest, I felt comfortable and refreshed, which enabled me to process more information. Each morning I would determine my priorities for the day and how I would effectively reduce and handle interruptions, in order to enhance my learning capacity and optimize my performance. Finally, I tended to get more accomplished in the morning because there was a sense of peace and quiet. When I began employment and worked from 8am to 5pm, I always took any opportunity to learn new things in the morning. Now that I have begun graduate school I still try to focus most of my efforts, whether it is reading, writing, communicating, etc in the early morning hours before I begin my 8am to 5pm job. Of course, there are time constraints to consider which force me to perform some activities in the evening hours, but I still believe I process and retain more information in the morning. Based on my undergraduate experience I basically was a hands-on learner. I tended to learn more effectively by taking notes in class and rewriting them later. This is often referred to as â€Å"tactile† or â€Å"kinesthetic† learning (Kowalski 25: 20). Even in graduate school, I highlight passages in my readings and write them down on paper. I read over the notes repetitiously in order to grasp the information. In addition to being a tactile learner, I am a bottom-up learner. I am a very detail-oriented individual who prefers to have a rock solid foundation built before I proceed to new challenges. I want to learn the basics before seeing the big picture. For example, when I learned to process health insurance claims at my place of business I had a desire to know the concrete specifics of the system and how everything flowed and fit together before I actually wanted to process a claim. I had an inherent desire to fully master all concepts of the system before moving on to claims processing. Kathiann M. Kowalski defines learning style as â€Å"the way each person absorbs, understands, and uses new information.† She goes on to say that â€Å"learning style may be inherited†¦and some aspects develop over your lifetime† (25: 20). I have always learned in a manner which I believe I inherited. I am a very detail oriented individual who likes everything planned and structured. I learn best when I have an outline in front of me with everything detailed in a logical and flowing order. Also, policies and procedures play an important role in my everyday life. For example, at my company, we have developed concise policies and procedures on how to process a claim. These procedures assist me and my fellow associates as we learn the various aspects of the system and claims processing. I could not imagine learning the system without detailed procedures. I recall always learning in this fashion. I possess pieces of each of the seven multiple intelligences. However, introspective intelligence has manifested itself more so than the others. Dr. Thomas Armstrong defines this as â€Å"the ability to understand thoughts and feelings in yourself† (Cathcart 51: 20). I have an introverted personality and have a tendency to be quite shy in group settings. Many times I do not publicly participate, but work diligently behind the scenes. I am a self-motivated individual who always contributes to the overall group effort despite my shyness. I have an innate desire for advancement and achievement, firmly believe that â€Å"knowledge is power†, and the more you know and learn the better off you will be for it. I possess many strengths and weaknesses with regard to my particular learning style. I tend to focus on my strengths while managing my weaknesses. The key to my success is that I have identified my strengths and pursued them with vigor. I believe that I am an achiever and have the willpower, perseverance, and desire to do well. I concentrate my efforts by assessing what I do well, and I do a lot of it. Practice makes perfect. Another strength I possess is listening to myself and acting on a hunch. I believe in receiving advice and input from others; however, no one knows my learning style better than I do, so I always try to listen to myself. I am also a very motivated individual who learns very quickly. I have learned to capitalize on my rapid learning skills by realizing that when I am good at something I should mold it into my everyday learning activities. My organizational skills and special attention to detail assists me in studying and learning more effectively. Finally, I alwa ys strive for excellence. My grandfather always told me â€Å"if you can’t do something right just don’t do it at all.† A sign of a good learner is someone who desires excellence and does what is necessary to achieve optimal results. There are also many areas in my learning style that I can improve upon. Sometimes, if I do not feel that I am grasping something, I get frustrated, and tend to skip over that particular area. It may be that I try to capitalize and focus too much on what I do well that I give up on issues that do not come to me as easily. I also feel that my close attention to detail can lead to an obsessive type of learning style that can â€Å"muddy† the water at times. I begin to get minimal results despite my intense focus. There is also the issue of overconfidence. At times, I often think I have mastered a skill, and I get a little sloppy and lose focus. When learning new things, I consciously think through the steps of the process. However, I continuously, almost obsessively, think about the steps instead of mastering the skill quickly. I dwell on the smaller things instead of focusing on the bigger picture. Sometimes, learning drains all of my energy, thus making it more difficult for me to actively engage in additional learning right away. Finally, I feel that I need to become a little more of a mixture between an introvert and an extrovert. By being shy, I do not get to know other individual’s personalities, styles, habits, etc. Interacting on a more personal level with individuals will help my learning style, especially in group settings. Formulating a strategy for improvement can be difficult, but must be done in order to achieve optimal learning results. Firstly, I will do most of my learning at my peak time, which is in the morning. Secondly, I will review the other learning styles more closely, and identify the aspects I can incorporate into my own personal style. Thirdly, I will avoid putting myself into situations where I am forced to do something I do not do well, which tends to stress and frustrate me. Fourthly, I will partner with someone that compliments my strengths. This way, we can combine our joint strengths and create a unique learning capability that could not be done with one person alone. Fifthly, I will make a conscious effort to interact more with my group members to ease my shyness. Finally, I am going to take a step back from all of the little nitpicky details that can consume me at times, take a deep breath, and look at the big picture. Also, I can possibly begin to think in pictures and draw my ideas for others, instead of talking about them. In conclusion, I have discovered my particular learning style. I believe this is important in order to improve on areas that may inhibit my opportunities for growth. I will take it upon myself to learn the styles of other individuals as well. This will help me more effectively interact, while also increasing my learning potential because I can learn from other individuals. Knowledge truly is power, and the more I acquire, and the more I can learn from myself and other individuals, the better off I will be.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inferential Statistics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inferential Statistics - Term Paper Example d without the need for pre-determined questions; or, it could also be an interview of a participant who is allowed to freely express himself or herself on a wide range of topics sans specific questions. A researcher selects a research method according to whether the objective is to identify a certain type of information that is gathered before the onset of the study, or whether participants will be the source of that information. In addition to this, data may also be in the form of numerical information that is collected using scales of instruments documenting and reporting the participants’ voices. Sometimes, both quantitative and qualitative information are gathered. Instrument data could be reinforced by responses to open-ended questions, or census data may be supported by exploratory yet in-depth interviews. In carrying out research, I will begin by indentifying the questionnaire that will be administered during the interview. After the questionnaire has been prepared, the sample population will be selected. A series of interviews will be conducted. Each participant in the research will be given a questionnaire to fill. The research questioner will be structured in a manner that does not offend the participant of the research. Only the qualitative design is appropriate for this, particularly with the use of Grounded Theory, because this phenomenon has not been much explored. The quantitative method will not be effective for this because of the possibility that significant and relevant phenomena may be overlooked because of the focus on theory and hypothesis testing. Moreover, the knowledge generated from the quantitative method could be too abstract to be applicable to the target population. Meanwhile, the mixed methods will not be effective also since this will be too challenging for a single researcher. b) Unbiased estimator is when the parameters used in estimation have a mean equal to the true mean. Unbiased statistic will sometimes fall above the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Comparative Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative Management - Essay Example Furthermore, it further provides a brief indication to the comparative institutional advantage of both the economies with respect to South Korea and Taiwan. The region of South Korea has seen an immense economic growth after the Second World War ever since the country was freed from the claws of Japanese colonialism in the year 1945. According to Michell (1988), the decade of 1960s had been very crucial as the early period of boom in the country's economy, which mostly took place due to advancements in trade and business activities in South Korea. It was the same period when the South Korean government imposed state rule over the privately owned businesses in order to manage the increasing developmental reforms in the country. The government took all the banks under its control, nationalised them and played an important part in allocating funds for financial activities that resulted in great economic development in the country. Thereafter the government introduced a system with semi-liberalisation of market by privatising the country's major banks in the early 1980s. This action of the government however could not be completely implemented and the government instead allowed relaxations to the banking business and facilitated the growth of non-bank financial institutions so as to infuse a market-oriented system in the country. Jones and SaKong (1980) suggest that the South Korean efforts for the development of economy towards a Liberal Market Economy as that of the United States had been initiated soon after the beginning of the year 1980. However, the government found itself unable to get rid of the chaebol system because of the over-reliance of the country's financial system on them. Therefore, the government was forced to retain interference and control in the management of the private business system. According to Root (1999), the South Korean economic system still depends upon government to look over the business affairs in the country. The government controls the corporations' activities and supports the chaebol companies to stay in the market even after they have become insolvent. This governmental support to the chaebol has led to kind of market in South Korea where the chaebol hold a major share in the ownership of non-bank financial institutions and try to confine the entry of foreign multi-natio nal corporations in the country so as to prevent competition. The government did initially introduce some reforms so as to liberalise the market but still the South Korean business reflects a predominating governmental influence in the private business affairs. Although the government claims to have taken a lot of steps in order to introduce market-based economy in the country. But the existing business system indicates as illuminated by Financial Supervisory Commission (1999) that the South Korean government holds the ownership of the shares of financial institutions and also utilises its influence on the banks to support the remodelling of chaebol corporations. The government co

Monday, November 18, 2019

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

H.W - Assignment Example Key stakeholders in this case include, Merck shareholders, decision makers with regard to research and development, other individuals that suffer from debilitating conditions that further research and development by Merck might otherwise cure, and those that are or might potentially become infected with River Blindness in the future. The costs of this decision would be that a potential cure would be knowingly passed over by the decision makers at Merck. The benefits would be that other potential remedies could be developed that might otherwise positively impact upon a much larger group of stakeholders. A strict utilitarian would seek to promote the greatest utility in this particular case. As the plight of new potential research would be unknown and there is a small percentage chance of the animal drugs to work well with regard to curing or addressing River Blindness, the utilitarian would ultimately choose the River Blindness research over the other alternatives. By means of contrast and comparison, the universalist would recognize the fact that there is a larger potential for the money to more effectively be used elsewhere; thereby encouraging one to prefer to pass over the River Blindness research. One of the ways that managers can encourage stakeholders to take back injuries more seriously is to provide an emotional appeal based on the individuals that have already been injured in the line of work. Whereas the employee might not think that the employer has their best interests in mind, by showing that the health, happiness, and safety of the employees is something that effects everyone is something that can be done as a means of engaging a further level of understanding throughout the firm. Advanced appreciation would be one extremely useful technique that the professor could use as a function of engaging participation.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effects of Imperialism in Africa

Effects of Imperialism in Africa In the 1880s, the scramble for Africa began, which brought destruction to the continent. Europeans helped Africa in many ways but it was primarily for their benefits too. The westerners arrived with a main purpose of gaining for themselves with no regards for the effects they imposed on Africa. Although countries like Equatorial Guinea and Morocco improved slightly due to the Europeans, other countries, such as Nigeria and South Africa, suffered greatly. Morocco didnt have roads before it became a French protectorate. Roads, buildings, and other infrastructures were constructed when the French arrived in the early 1900s  [1]  . Railroads were built too to facilitate trade and transportation. France got Morocco started with their industries by building mining plants and influencing their music, food, and culture. Modern day Morocco has a lot of French style bakeries and universities teach math and science in French  [2]  . What France gave to this striving nation helped them. Various infrastructures were constructed; their culture was enriched by the Frenchs, and modern day Morocco is heavily influenced by Frances lifestyle and language. France didnt only leave behind a positive legacy, Spain too left favorable impacts on Equatorial Guinea. Historian and author Tim Harry said that Equatorial Guinea achieved some of the highest literacy rates amongst local people anywhere in the continent  [3]  due to the effects of Spanish imperialism. This is an amazing contribution to the country in terms of education and as historian Tunde Obadina analyzed, Colonialism laid the seeds of the intellectual and material development in Africans.  [4]  Economically, Spain improved the country tremendously as they created more jobs and it resulted in Equatorial Guinea having the highest income per capita rate compared to her bordering countries  [5]  . With the help of both these European countries, small nations such as Morocco and Equatorial Guinea were able to develop and further narrow the economic gap between their nations and the Europeans. As France and Spain occupied Morocco and Equatorial Guinea respectively, Nigeria saw themselves occupied by the British in the mid 1800s. Lagos, a fishing village, was colonized and made into a port in the 1960s. According to British historian, A.G. Hopkins, from the University of Texas , The purpose of these moves was to suppress the slave trade and to encourage instead the rise of legitimate commerce  [6]  , it means that they would like to continue the trade system without requirement of slaves. They put a halt on the slave trade because they wanted to improve the Afro-European trading relation so that they would be able to extract and export palm oil and palm-kernels, which were palm tree products that grew a lot in Lagos. Their real intentions were to benefit themselves. To achieve this, they balkanized the different oil producing regions in Nigeria and forced the local people to export their oils so that the British could produce things like railways, soaps, cooking fats, a nd pharmaceutical products  [7]  . By 1900, 89% of the nations export was their oil  [8]  . Aside from a lost to their economy, the Nigerians suffered a great loss of their lands and people. Lt. Col. Yakubu Gowon, the Head of State back then said I receive complaints daily that up till now Easterners living in the North are being killed and molested and their property looted  [9]  . Not only did they lose their lands and people, the Nigerians rights were abused. To make governing easier and for the economic interest of the British, indirect rule and separate development policy were stationed in two sections of the country, one being in Lagos  [10]  . This created a large division in Nigeria as described by Sir Hugh Clifford, the Governor General of Nigeria (1920-1931), [Nigeria was] a collection of independent Native States, separated from one another by great distances, by differences of history and traditions and by ethnological, racial, tribal, political, social a nd religious barriers.  [11]  Each region of Nigeria developed different lifestyles and ideas. Furthermore, on the New Nigeria Newspaper in 1986, an Itobo Ojobo said that, It was the introduction of party politics by colonial administration that set off the fire of ethnic conflicts in Nigeria  [12]  , describing how the western powers elevated the conflicts in society. In 1967, the Biafrans wanted to fight for freedom and unification, thus began the Biafrans secession, more commonly known as the Nigerian Civil War. Britain sent over aircrafts to support the Nigerians and bombed densely populated towns and villages of the Biafrans. Scorpion tanks ran over troops, and flame throwers and gasoline bombs caused devastating effects that left the country and their people burned and wasted  [13]  . The civil war was so horrifying that the Red Cross members werent allowed in there for months. Famine and disease started developing fast and by the end of the war, over a million peo ple had died and thousands more were displaced into bordering countries  [14]  . The killings were so mass that historian Marcus Brooks described the scene as Burned, dismembered and mangled corpses littered villages, rivers, streams and everywhere else  [15]  . When the British left Nigeria, they left behind few rail lines, rudimentary infrastructure and a few thousand graduates, but other countries faced worst from their colonizers, like Mozambique, who had only about 40 graduates because of the Portuguese  [16]  . An evaluation of British imperialism in Nigeria would show that they took from the Nigerians for the improvement of their nation. They took Nigerias oil to produce products for their people and they banned slavery to improve relationships just so that they can continue with their export. When there was a revolt against their colonization, the British went all out on the African country, destroying lands and civilization. It took about 20 years to rebuild the nation. Economically, Nigeria lost a lot as the British exported a majority of their oils back to their home country and their nation was crushed by the war. Also, Britain contributed to the great seperation of Nigeria by dividing the nation through the oil producing regions. Nigeria lay in ruins because of the British. South Africa saw itself lay in ruins too due to British Imperialisms. The British wanted the fertile soils, diamond mines, and gold deposits of South Africa, but the Zulu tribe stood in their way. The British sent 30,000 troops led by Lord Chelmsford to battle the Zulu nation. As a result, 15,000 Zulus died reducing them to a small quantity. In the final battle in 1899, the British completely wiped out the Zulus and their civilization  [17]  . In effect, the rest of South Africa fell under British hands. Over in Kenya, the British fought and killed 12,000 Kenyans during the Mau Mau Rebellion, some of them died in confinement camps  [18]  . A few thousands more were displaced or driven away from the country, leaving their people scattered in neighboring countries. Europeans didnt only bring troops over, they brought diseases too. Rinderpest, a European livestock disease killed off 90-95% of the live cattle in Africa and other grazing animals  [19]  . The lack of grazing an imals changed the landscape that made it easier for tsetse fly to nest. The tsetse flies spread a sleeping sickness that killed about 200,000 Ugandans from 1902-1906  [20]  . African tribes were very dependent on their livestock; as a result, tribes like the Masaai in Tanzania lost two thirds of their population  [21]  . The livestock diseases also brought with it epizootic, a lung disease that hit many animals in South Africa  [22]  . Other diseases from the Europeans that affected the continent greatly were smallpox and malaria because the Africans didnt have much immunity to them. Disease became a huge factor in the deaths of the African continent, both directly and indirectly; without livestock comes no food, which leads to starvation. However, these werent the Britishs intentions. One of their main intentions of colonizing Africa was for their resources. Diamond mining was very profitable for the British in South Africa. They used slave labor force (the South Africa ns) to dig out the diamonds and left the higher and more important jobs like polishing the diamonds to the white people  [23]  . The mining was harsh work and that separated families, leaving women and children unsupported. Lands needed for mining displaced many people from their homes  [24]  . To make these lands appropriate for mining, erosion, and deforestation, flattening of mountains took place  [25]  . The mining released toxic chemicals that polluted the rivers and soils and the dust from the bulldozers and transportation caused air pollution. Families and lands were devastated. Over in Madagascar, French colonialism in 1986 caused deforestation when they started to modify the rice harvesting lands for the growth of coffee beans when the French found out they profited from the coffee more  [26]  . This resulted in a rice shortage in Madagascar in 1911. To feed themselves, the people started to grow more rice resulting in the burning and clear cutting of the fo rests, which destroyed it  [27]  . Although the country tried to improve things by prohibiting shifting cultivation, they permitted forest logging in 1921 which increased the number of deforestation and illegal cutting of trees resulting in roughly 70% of the primary forest destroyed in the 30 years between 1895 and 1925  [28]  . The French imposed policies that made Madagascar importers of foods, which displaced local people from their homes and the resources fell under the control of the French. Coffee plantations caused a lot of erosions and the fertile lands cleared for it and replaced with monoculture (for coffee) was unsuitable for plants and animals from the previous forest to live  [29]  . Lack of food resulted due to the loss of plants and animals. From wars, diseases, and human and lands abuse, the African continent and its people saw itself devastated by the French and the British. From a period of about 30 years, the scramble for Africa became the destruction of Africa. Spain left the fewest but most positive effects in the continent. France improved Morocco slightly but their colonization in Madagascar left the tiny island wrecked. Britain found themselves topping the destruction level of Africa. From Nigeria to South Africa, people, lands, and resources were greedily mistreated for the benefit of the powerful European island. Overall, the prints that the westerners left behind were an ugly sight.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Little Prince :: essays research papers

A Fable For Adults -- The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery I guess that among people who have read the book The Little Prince which has an amazing amount of readers around the globe merely second to the Bible, there should be many more grown-ups than children, though the classic tale can be read on many levels and enjoyed by readers of any age. Undoubtedly, it is full of vivid imagery and beautiful illustrations that make it sweet enough for children. However, because of the symbols, metaphors, hidden sentimental atmosphere, especially the tragic ending -- children are used to such sentences as the princess lived happily together with the prince for ever and ever -- and the moral it conveys, teens will not have proper understanding and appreciation of this story. I ¡Ã‚ ¯d rather believe that Saint-Exupery had written The Little Prince which is simple yet profound for the adults who still keep child ¡Ã‚ ¯s hearts. The little prince came from a tiny unknown planet. He had left his beautiful rose, traveled to lots of places, and met all kinds of ridiculous things as well as a wise fox and a pilot the narrator. He was looking for something though he was not aware of it. After all, the little prince learnt life lessons and we adult readers learn more from him. Adults in the Prince ¡Ã‚ ¯s Eyes Leaving his own planet, one after another, the little prince met a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman ¡Ã‚ ­ and finally he arrived on the earth. All the person he met is either stupid or selfish -- from children ¡Ã‚ ¯s point of view, adults are always hard to understand and they are doing inexplicable things. But it is true! Aren ¡Ã‚ ¯t we always pursuing empty things such as fame and fortune just as the king who ruled no subjects and the man who was extremely conceited? Aren ¡Ã‚ ¯t we always trapped in a circle set by ourselves just as the tippler and businessman -- drinking for forgetting drinking, selling stars for making more money to buy stars? Aren ¡Ã‚ ¯t we always keep working but forget the aim of working just as the geographer? As we are growing up, something much more valuable than money or social status deserts us little by little without our notice. Maybe we will begin to appreciate the simple things in life again and discover the real difference between children and adults after reading this beautiful tale. The Rose and the Fox